Crate process_wrap

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Composable wrappers over process::Command.

§Quick start

process-wrap = { version = "8.0.0", features = ["std"] }
use std::process::Command;
use process_wrap::std::*;

let mut command = StdCommandWrap::with_new("watch", |command| { command.arg("ls"); });
#[cfg(unix)] { command.wrap(ProcessGroup::leader()); }
#[cfg(windows)] { command.wrap(JobObject); }
let mut child = command.spawn()?;
let status = child.wait()?;

§Migrating from command-group

The above example is equivalent to the command-group 5.x usage. To migrate from versions 4.x and below, replace ProcessGroup::leader() with ProcessSession.


This crate provides a composable set of wrappers over process::Command (either from std or from Tokio). It is a more flexible and composable successor to the command-group crate, and is meant to be adaptable to additional use cases: for example spawning processes in PTYs currently requires a different crate (such as pty-process) which won’t function with command-group. Implementing a PTY wrapper for process-wrap would instead keep the same API and be composable with the existing process group/session implementations.


The core API is StdCommandWrap and TokioCommandWrap, which can be constructed either directly from an existing process::Command:

use process_wrap::std::*;
use std::process::Command;
let mut command = Command::new("ls");
let mut command = StdCommandWrap::from(command);
#[cfg(unix)] { command.wrap(ProcessGroup::leader()); }
#[cfg(windows)] { command.wrap(JobObject); }

…or with a somewhat more ergonomic closure pattern:

use process_wrap::std::*;
let mut command = StdCommandWrap::with_new("ls", |command| { command.arg("-l"); });
#[cfg(unix)] { command.wrap(ProcessGroup::leader()); }
#[cfg(windows)] { command.wrap(JobObject); }

If targetting a single platform, then a fluent style is possible:

use process_wrap::std::*;
StdCommandWrap::with_new("ls", |command| { command.arg("-l"); })

The wrap method can be called multiple times to add multiple wrappers. The order of the wrappers can be important, as they are applied in the order they are added. The documentation for each wrapper will specify ordering concerns.

The spawn method is used to spawn the process, after which the Child can be interacted with. Methods on Child mimic those on process::Child, but may be customised by the wrappers. For example, kill will send a signal to the process group if the ProcessGroup wrapper is used.

§KillOnDrop and CreationFlags

The options set on an underlying Command are not queryable from library or user code. In most cases this is not an issue; however on Windows, the JobObject wrapper needs to know the value of .kill_on_drop() and any .creation_flags() set. The KillOnDrop and CreationFlags are “shims” that should be used instead of the aforementioned methods on Command. They will internally set the values on the Command and also store them in the wrapper, so that wrappers are able to access them.

In practice:

§Instead of .kill_on_drop(true) (Tokio-only):

use process_wrap::tokio::*;
let mut command = TokioCommandWrap::with_new("ls", |command| { command.arg("-l"); });

§Instead of .creation_flags(CREATE_NO_WINDOW) (Windows-only):

use process_wrap::std::*;
let mut command = StdCommandWrap::with_new("ls", |command| { command.arg("-l"); });

Internally the JobObject wrapper always sets the CREATE_SUSPENDED flag, but as it is able to access the CreationFlags value it will either resume the process after setting up, or leave it suspended if CREATE_SUSPENDED was explicitly set.


The crate is designed to be extensible, and new wrappers can be added by implementing the required traits. The std and Tokio sides are completely separate, due to the different underlying APIs. Of course you can (and should) re-use/share code wherever possible if implementing both.

At minimum, you must implement StdCommandWrapper and/or TokioCommandWrapper. These provide the same functionality (and indeed internally are generated using a common macro), but differ in the exact types used. Here’s the most basic impl (shown for Tokio):

use process_wrap::tokio::*;
pub struct YourWrapper;
impl TokioCommandWrapper for YourWrapper {}

The trait provides extension or hook points into the lifecycle of a Command:

  • fn extend(&mut self, other: Box<dyn TokioCommandWrapper>) is called if .wrap(YourWrapper) is done twice. Only one of a wrapper type can exist, so this gives the opportunity to incorporate all or part of the second wrapper instance into the first. By default, this does nothing (ie only the first registered wrapper instance of a type applies).

  • fn pre_spawn(&mut self, command: &mut Command, core: &TokioCommandWrap) is called before the command is spawned, and gives mutable access to it. It also gives mutable access to the wrapper instance, so state can be stored if needed. The core reference gives access to data from other wrappers; for example, that’s how CreationFlags on Windows works along with JobObject. By default does nothing.

  • fn post_spawn(&mut self, child: &mut tokio::process::Child, core: &TokioCommandWrap) is called after spawn, and should be used for any necessary cleanups. It is offered for completeness but is expected to be less used than wrap_child(). By default does nothing.

  • fn wrap_child(&mut self, child: Box<dyn TokioChildWrapper>, core: &TokioCommandWrap) is called after all post_spawn()s have run. If your wrapper needs to override the methods on Child, then it should create an instance of its own type implementing TokioChildWrapper and return it here. Child wraps are in order: you may end up with a Foo(Bar(Child)) or a Bar(Foo(Child)) depending on if .wrap(Foo).wrap(Bar) or .wrap(Bar).wrap(Foo) was called. If your functionality is order-dependent, make sure to specify so in your documentation! By default does nothing: no wrapping is performed and the input child is returned as-is.



The default features do not enable a frontend, so you must choose one of the following:

  • std: enables the std-based API.
  • tokio1: enables the Tokio-based API.

Both can exist at the same time, but generally you’ll want to use one or the other.


  • creation-flags: default, enables the creation flags wrapper (Windows-only).
  • job-object: default, enables the job object wrapper (Windows-only).
  • kill-on-drop: default, enables the kill on drop wrapper (Tokio-only).
  • process-group: default, enables the process group wrapper (Unix-only).
  • process-session: default, enables the process session wrapper (Unix-only).
  • reset-sigmask: enables the sigmask reset wrapper (Unix-only).


  • stdstd
    std-based process-wrap API.
  • tokiotokio1
    Tokio-based process-wrap API.